
5 ways brands can get more Instagram followers


The more Instagram followers or the larger the audience you have, the opportunities you get to engage with them which in return helps you to grow as a brand.

Instagram followers aren’t just the followers but they are your online community. Nowadays, Instagram has become one of the key players in drawing more audience to your brand, increasing conversions, cultivating an engaged community and organizations’ social presence.

If your Instagram presence isn’t as prominent as you are hoping then you are at the right place, in this blog I am going to talk about 5 ways your brand can get more Instagram followers organically.

So let’s just dive deeper into it:

Use the right Instagram hashtags

It’s rightly said that using hashtags is one thing but using correct hashtags is quite another.

So the question is which hashtags you will use? When you use popular Instagram hashtags in your images, you have a far better chance of reaching new people and being noticed.

How do you find the appropriate hashtags for your brand?

Research for the hashtags that are most searched for on Instagram - These tools will provide you with the most used hashtags along with the number of times they have been used.

Make your Instagram stories more engaging

What if you could make your Instagram stories more engaging? Here’s how, give your followers a sneak peek into what goes behind making the products i.e. BTS. Give your followers a sneak peek into what goes behind making the products i.e. BTS Look at the above picture of a brand promoting their products while making it look more creative and attractive.

Make use of words to convey a narrative or talk about your products, use stickers that are trending on Instagram to promote a cause that people are talking about. You can also post some interesting questions through polls and quizzes to make it more engaging.

Offer discounts to Instagram followers

As an Ecommerce brand, you have the biggest advantage to gain more audience and followers on Instagram by offering discounts on products only to your Instagram family.

Offer a coupon code in Instagram posts or DM the user who commented on the post, giving them a coupon code. This way more people would be interested in following your brand and you can gain more followers on your Instagram, remember the key is to offer exclusive discounts to them.

Plan a giveaway

Who doesn’t like giveaways?

I am sure you must have come across some amazing giveaways and participated in it too. If you want to build your Instagram followers rapidly, one of the most effective strategies is to offer an Instagram giveaway. Offer a coupon code in Instagram posts or DM the user who commented on the post, giving them a coupon code

How can you host a giveaway?

Set clear entrance requirements like:

A giveaway is useful when hosted in collaboration with content creators or brands that has a similar following as you have on Instagram.

With every new day there is a new trend going on Instagram Reels, so aligning your content with hot themes can boost the reach of your brand.

Instagram Reels is a great way to reach a large audience and one of the best methods to attract new users to your brand. If you haven't yet started creating Instagram reels then you better start it now because you are missing out on a tremendous chance to boost your following If you haven’t yet started creating Instagram reels then you better start it now because you are missing out on a tremendous chance to boost your following.

Signup on platforms like  to find & connect with Influencers who can create amazing Reels.

Pro tips:

How do you plan to increase your Instagram following?

Above are the five effective ways you can increase your Instagram followers and boost engagement on your page. I hope you make the best out of it and achieve your goal.

So are you ready to increase your Instagram followers?

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