Stamped.io is not just a Reviews collection platform, but also Loyalty & Rewards.
One of the premium features is AI-powered semantic analysis of reviews. It is the eCommerce marketing platform that enables merchants to make meaningful connections with customers, keep them engaged and reward them for shopping. They offer solutions for both Reviews & Rating as well as Loyalty & Rewards, which when used together, unlocks all the features that keep users in the Stamped.io ecosystem.
Brands like Purple, HBO, Hickies, and Linjer, have been using Stamped.io’s review and content automation. Powered by predictive AI and ML, Stamped.io’s solutions are enterprise-ready, can analyze data at scale, and guide customers to write quality reviews that will keep leads coming back to your store for weeks.
Pricing is small businesses friendly. Merchants can feature reviews in multiple formats & widgets.
Stamped 24hour customer support is remarkable. From fixing any code issues to suggesting best practices, the support team is well trained and super helpful.
NPS Measurement
The Net Promoter Score is a simple and effective way to measure a customer’s loyalty to your store. By including a 1-10 scale in reviews, Stamped can automatically generate a NPS score for your customers.
Stamped easily rewards customers with points after submitting reviews, increasing the likelihood that customers not only submit reviews, but come back to spend their loyalty points.
Through embedded rich snippets in reviews, Stamped’s Reviews & Ratings boosts SEO rankings.